Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Meet Brandy's attendants

Matron of Honor~ Angela Tanis, friend of the bride.

Angie and I went to high school together, but it wasn't until several years later that we became close. We have been there for each other through the best of times, and the worst of times. When something crappy has happened in my life, she is the first person I call. When something exciting is going on, she is the first to know. We text and instant message each other every day! We share alot of the same, photography, being totally goofy and a passion to serve God.
With Angie's strong encouragement, I went back 3 years ago and completed my GED. Angie drove 4 hours to see me "graduate". Angie understands me, and shares in my joys and pains and her love contains no boundaries even when we are miles apart.

Maid of Honor~ Ashleigh Keithley, daughter of the bride.

The closest, deepest, most connected and most challenging relationship is with my daughter. Sure we have those moments when I have to be "mom" and am not very popular for awhile. But when the storm passes, we are back to being best friends. She stands for what she believes and will not back down just because someone else thinks she should. I feel most times like she is the person I would like to be most like. Isn't it funny instead of her following my example, I want to be more like her......

Bridesmaid~Steffanie Frost, friend of the bride.

I first met Steffanie in the flower shop in Yamhill on Valentine's Day several years ago. We struck up a conversation, and I felt my very soul bond with hers. Although we did not speak of spiritual matters, in my heart I knew she was a fellow sister in Christ. It was some time later when we happened to attend the same church service that my hunch was confirmed. Steffanie has seen me at my worst, and still cared enough to call (and keep calling when I would not return her calls) and to stop by to listen and share a glass of wine. Even with her crazy schedule of work, raising 2 boys and everything that entails, she has made time for me.

Junior Usher~ Aiden Keithley, son of the bride.

Of course I want my youngest to have some sort of role in our wedding, and being that he is a tad too old to be a ring bearer (and really whats the point in one, since they never really walk down with the rings) I have created a role just for him. He will help escort my beautiful yet ornery flower girls down the aisle=)

Flower Girl #1~Kaitlyn Jacobs, daycare buddy of the bride.

I have taken care of Kaitlyn since February 2005, when she was 2 1/2 months old! She is definitely part of our family, and we have gotten very close to her parents as well.

Flower Girl #2~ Taylor Jacobs, Goddaughter & daycare buddy of the bride.

I have cared for Taylor since September 2007. These girls are like my own. Lisa, their mom asked me this last spring to be Taylor's godmother. I was so overwhelmed with emotion to be asked this honor. I am honored to have these sweet babies in our wedding=)

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